Rihanna Issues Cease and Desist Order to Trump

Starting off the midterm elections with: 

Rih-rih just joined the list of celebs to issue a cease and desist letter to Trump after discovering her music was being played at one of his rallies.

Rih rih said STOP THE MUSIC! This comes a week after Pharrell also ordered Trump to stop playing his music at his rallies; along with Elton John, even Prince's estate.

Rolling Stone actually posted the letter stating:

“It has come to our attention that President Trump has utilized [Rihanna’s] musical compositions and master recordings, including her hit track ‘Don’t Stop the Music,’ in connection with a number of political events held across the United States,” Rihanna’s legal team wrote in the letter obtained by Rolling Stone to Trump’s White House counsel. “As you are or should be aware, Ms. Fenty has not provided her consent to Mr. Trump to use her music. Such use is therefore improper.”

At this rate, there will be a LOT of silent rallies pretty soon.

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