Virginia Beach Mayor, Bobby Dyer, Asks Governor Northam to Reopen Beaches

Conversations are being had about reopening the state of Virginia and Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer has joined in on the convo and asked Governor Northam to also consider reopening the beach. He states "Research shows that beaches offer mental health benefits through rest, relaxation, meditation and exercise." As of now, beaches are open strictly to exercise and fishing only.

Dyer has also come up with a plan to ensure the safety of citizens coming to the beach if Governor Northam allows it to be reopened sooner rather than later. Part of his plan is to include more signs reminding of social distancing guidelines, prohibiting gatherings of groups of more than 10 people, more detailed cleaning in bathrooms, railings, showers and benches. He even suggests the formation of a "safety ambassador patrol."

Governor Northam has not directly responded to Mayor Dyer's request as of yet, but during his Friday press conference he did make mention of the fact that our beaches are partially open of as now.

Would you go to the beach if it was reopened now or wait a while until the Coronavirus numbers in VA were a bit lower?

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