Inauguration Day 2021: What You Should Know

It's no secret Inauguration Day 2021 will look a LOT different this year. Citizens are being highly encouraged to NOT go to or near Washington DC on the 20th. There are COVID concerns, of course, but also there are countless credible threats of repeat riots which turned deadly just last week. So the District of Columbia is taking as many precautions as possible to safeguard the future 46th president as well as the general public. Also, if you got an Air BnB, you'll notice some extra money in your bank account because they are refunding anyone who booked for Inauguration Day as a way to discourage people outside of everyday residents from being in the area.

It's even being reported that right now there are more military troops in D.C than there are in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

The good news is though, you can watch everything live on Inauguration Day including the TV special celebrating the swearing-in of President-Elect Joe Biden, Celebrating America.

As for how to watch, take your pick!

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