Southwest Flight Attendant Assaulted, In-Flight Alcohol Suspended

Remember back in high school one classmate would mess up and we'd all get punished? Well, it just happened again, but this time with Southwest Airlines. Vyvianna Quinonez assaulted a flight attendant which resulted in her losing two teeth and suffering "serious injuries." Quinonez got her punishment when she was charged with felony assault and banned from Southwest Airlines, but we also got punished. Southwest has made the decision to suspend alcohol sales on all flights going forward. Once American Airlines caught wind of the story, they also made the decision to extend their alcohol suspension for now.

For us with flights planned and not so thrilled about being thousands of feet in the air, this is definitely a letdown. That lil' drink was supposed to calm me down, Vyvianna.

I know we've been stuck inside for a bit, but now that we're back outside, let's get some act right so we can actually enjoy it!

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