"In some buildings, there are more “Black Lives Matter” posters than there are actual black people."
That claim was made by former Facebook Employee, Mark Luckie who recently called out one of the largest social media platforms for having a 'black people problem.' Luckie gave Facebook the courtesy of providing them with this open letter prior to pinning it to his personal Facebook page.
In an interview with USA Today Luckie stated: "I had to write what all the black employees are saying and feeling and we don’t feel empowered to speak up about." As to why he didn't take the matter up with Human Resources: "Black employees will sometimes to turn to HR in search of a resolution, as employees from all backgrounds do. We often find, however, that our experiences are rationalized away or we’re made to believe these disheartening patterns are a figment of our imagination."
With over 70% of US adults using Facebook and all the other hot water the platform is in including hiring Definers Public Affairs to investigate George Soros who called Facebook a 'menace to society', this can't be a good look for Facebook OR Instagram which is currently owned by Facebook.
Check out Mark Luckie's full post below: